Iran-Wire: “Prison and Execution narrated by a photographer”

Iran-Wire’s report on my narrative-staged photo series of “Schizophrenia in eight hours” in 2017.

Interview with Alwayz Therro Magazine: “Zahra Khorami – Schizophrenia In Eight Hours!”

I was interviewed by Alwayz Therro Magazine on “schizophrenia in eight hours!” and narrative-staged photography; issue no. 73 (pp 22-27), august, 2016, New York, USA.

Radio-Zamaneh’s report: Zahra Khorami and Narrative Photography

The report of Radio-Zamaneh (Netherlands) on my narrative-staged photography.

Interview with Deutsche Welle: “There is always a woman’s footprint in my photographs”!

I was interviewed by DW (Mitra Khalatbari) on my narrative-staged photography.

Art-Rabbit: “Baddest Babes of Iran” by Tara Aghdashloo!

My Narrative-Staged photo series “Aquarium Syndrome” was featured along with the article “Baddest Babes of Iran” by Tara Aghdashloo in Art-Rabbit.

Asia’s report (in Persian) on my Narrative-Staged photography (2015)

The special report of national Asia NEWS on combining narrative and staged styles in my photography (2015).

Tandis Magazine: “The clock rang eight times!”

Special report of Tandis art magazine (by E. Fathi) on my narrative-staged photo series “Schizophrenia in eight hours”.

Westdeutsche Zeitung’s special report on PROXY-1: “Kuratorin Zahra Khorami will damit ein Zeichen für einen gerechteren Kunstmarkt setzen”

Special report of Westdeutsche Zeitung (by Thomas Frank) on Proxy-1 exhibition I organized and curated in Dusseldorf, Germany (2018)

Deutsche Welle: “Aquarium Syndrome under the censorship razor”

DW’s report on my “Aquarium Syndrome” exhibition!


Ebtekar NEWS: “Seven sins in Zahra Khorami’s exhibition, Aquarium Syndrome”

Ebtekar’s report on my “Aquarium Syndrome” exhibition.


Deutsche Welle: “The last night of a girl sentenced to execution”

My narrative-staged photo series “Schizophrenia in eight hours” with a report by Mitra Khalatbari was featured in DW.

Shargh NEWS: “Aquarium Syndrome in Dena gallery”

Shargh’s report on my “Aquarium Syndrome” gallery.

Art Online, Iran Art and Ivana: Zahra Khorami’s PROXY-1 in Dusseldorf

The reports by Art online, Iran art and Ivana on my curated exhibition, PROXY-1, in Dusseldorf, Germany.



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